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5 Steps to move From Surviving to Thriving in Every Season of Life
by Carmel Austin
This eBook is one of Carmel Austin's most popular publications available as a free download.
- Gain confidence and live out of your Authentic self….
- Move forward and create Healthy Boundaries…
- Live “free” from anxious thought patterns in every area of your life…
- Lose “negative mindsets” and get your life on track for good…
- Deal with “sabotaging habits” that have dragged you down and discover the keys to freedom…
What People Are Saying:

Sharen Queripel
"Before working with Coach Carmel. I was struggling with time organisation & healthy life choices. Today I am getting better with every choice I make at discovering the why behind what I do and choosing to make better choices more often. If you are struggling with self-sabotage habits or being overwhelmed at the prospect of changing long held habits coach Carmel will listen to you as you express how you are feeling and what is going on in your life currently and what has happened in the past. She will help you gain a clear direction and clarity with your goals and life focus. I highly recommend working with Coach Carmel."

Susan Curtin
"Before working with Coach Carmel, I was struggling with not giving my emotions the attention they needed and spreading myself to thin with not been able to say no to other people’s requests. She helped me work through the reasons why I was doing this to myself and identity areas of sabotaging thought patterns. Today I am more confident in myself and have learnt to speak up about my feelings by asking for help. I can now express my needs and set into place healthy boundaries. If you are struggling with hidden guilt or grief and don’t have the ability to find peace and freedom to be your creative self. I highly recommend working with Coach Carmel."

Beverley Wheeldon
"Before working with Coach Carmel, I was struggling with long work hours’ time organisation and management. I now have set more healthy
boundaries and choices into my life. She helped me work through the reason why I was sabotaging these areas of life. Today I can recognize that it's ok to ask for help when I need it and take breaks from work without feeling guilty. By verbalising these things, you can gain a better understanding of what the situation is, and this empowers you to work out positive steps to improve things. It allows you to stop blaming yourself for your shortcomings and to appreciate your own value and talents. You can then become more outward focusing on others without derailment of your own wellbeing. I highly recommend working with Coach Carmel."